Traditional client-server VPNs, such as eduVPN, route all client data through a...

What eduVPN does

Institute Access
Institute Access provides access to private networks where end-users can access internal resources within the internal network of their institute.
Secure Internet Access
Secure Internet provides secure and privacy preserving access from public networks by providing secure gateways to trusted networksVPN is a secure and encrypted internet connection
VPN extends a private network across a public network and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network. Applications running on a device across a VPN may therefore benefit from the functionality, security, and management of the private network.

Connect with any device
As everybody uses a different device, we created apps for macOS, iOS, Android and Windows. If you use a system not listed or you prefer a manual configuration, e.g. using a thrid party application, look here.
Interested in getting your institution connected?
Find out more about providing eduVPN for your institution

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News from the eduVPN Community
Up-to-date documentation for the deployment of eduVPN is available at...
Starting from eduVPN version 3.x, we added WireGuard support in addition to...
Scoring an old vulnerability In 2021, we identified a flaw in the eduVPN server...
The team behind eduVPN is keen on keeping eduVPN focussed and lean and not to...
Over the years, students have played an important role in the development of...
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